It has come to my attention that a lot of models don’t understand that professionalism goes a long way in this business. Maybe its because, a lot don’t think of it as a business, but more so as something to do because they find it to be fun for them and love the attention and the way they look and feel in a photo-shoot. While all of that is fine, one must understand that it may be fun for you, but for others, its a business, lifestyle, and a way of supporting their families. You mess any of that up or you rub someone the wrong way, you can be sure that your fun career will not move and prevent you from moving forward.
Here’s a list of 3 things that models do that industry insiders say can prevent them from working with that model again:
Arriving Late to a Booking

Personally, I think we can all understand that time is money, in any industry. But what I seem to see quite often are models who think that things revolve around their schedule… Let me be the first to let those of you who think this is the case know: YOU CAN BE REPLACED!!! Sure there are circumstances that may have held you up and prevented you from getting you there on time, but when you decide not to call anyone and let them know that you are running late. You are holding up the production and wasting money and possibly light (daylight) to get the job done! What will usually happen if you don’t call AHEAD of time when you are running late (and by that I mean, call when you know you are running late not when you are running late and its 5 minutes before you are supposed to be there) is that there will be another model willing and waiting in the wings who is available and will take your job. Then because they were such a lifesaver and time saver, they will be called upon for more gigs. Lesson: BE ON TIME and if your not, let somebody know ASAP!
Having an attitude

TUDE TUDE TUDE!!!!!! ATTI-TUDE that is… It says a lot about your work ethic, your personality, and your state of mind. One thing people must begin to master is the ability to control their attitude in what is often known as checking your emotions at the door. This is very important when on set, or backstage because to be frank, NOBODY CARES about whatever is bothering you!!! There is a task at hand that needs to be taken care of and you need to execute. If you want your bad attitude get in the way of that, or if it rubs someone the wrong way or if you just can’t seem to contain it. Don’t bother coming in. Bad attitude can effect everyone and no one (especially me) wants to be hanging around a dark cloud or negativity. I’ve seen plenty of girls be replaced simply because they couldn’t suck up their feeling about what happened outside of a photo-shoot or outside of a show and get down to business. Attitude is an emotion, and emotions are personal, and Personal issues can inhibit proper business. When you get an attitude remember the saying, “Nothing personal, just business” and get the job done.
Talking bad about others

NOBODY ASKED YOU!!! Well maybe somebody did ask you… but that doesn’t mean you have to spill the beans about everything that you didn’t like about the way they did things. This industry is very small. Especially if you are working in a particular area, and begin to advance in the industry. you will start to see that you will see some of the same people over and over again. All of those people talk and you don’t need to fuel any fire talking about another one of the members of the already small industry circle. When in doubt about discussing another photographer, MUA or stylist, just smile or look shocked and act like they are the best thing since sliced bread. lol! You never know who is related to who, or could be friends with the person they are asking you about.
Stay tuned… next tip will about being professional in reaching out about modeling jobs!
Stay pretty!
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