Makeup Artists at fashion shows and photoshoots #modeltip #modeladvice [VIDEO]

Backstage behind the scenes of a fashion show can be very exciting and nerve racking, especially if it is your first professional show. You want to make sure you look your best when out there in the spotlight. Here is my tip for selecting the right makeup artist to work on your face when you are backstage at a show or you are about to do a shoot. Let me know what you think! and be sure to share this #modeltip!

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3 responses to “Makeup Artists at fashion shows and photoshoots #modeltip #modeladvice [VIDEO]”

  1. PrettyMOBA Avatar

    Hi Alean, while your make up does look good, your advice isn’t. I’m a MUA who often times only wears mascara and lip gloss on a set or to a shoot. It’s not a reflection of anything more than my personal choice and is usually determined by the day’s schedule. When working it’s all about achieving the desired look for actor(s)/model(s). If I have a long day ahead of me I don’t complicate it by beating my face. So if your process of evaluating a MUAs ability is limited to how they look rather than their book then you certainly pose the risk of missing out on awesome creative opportunities. A better tip… if it’s appropriate, just ask who the MUA(s) will be, if you can find out look them up. If you’re ever shooting in NY look me up, I’d love to work with you.


    1. Alean Elston Avatar

      Hey PrettyMOBA,

      I totally understanding wearing minimal makeup when working, I agree with you completely, it makes perfect sense. And for that, you made me realize that I need to clarify “done.” 

      I have been on numerous shoots/shows where at least 1 makeup artist looked a complete mess in terms of how they did or did not do their own face. (Skin problems, liner all out of place, fallout, lashes lifting, just an overall mess! That is what I mean by being “done”) 

      But to add on to that, usually at a show you don’t get a chance to view an artist’s book before they start on your face, all I have to go off of before I sit in that chair is how you did your look and/or how you did another model’s face that went before me. I believe, and I’m sure you will agree, that in any profession you should project your self as the professional you are, starting with your look, before any ports or resumes are brought into play. You are your own walking billboard. What I mean by that is if you are a model, show up to set looking like a model (hair back, plain face, heels, form fitting clothes, ready to work). If you are an esthetician I need for your face to be an example to your profession. For a MUA to show up looking like they aren’t “done” in terms of their own presentation, It doesn’t matter to me how much or little makeup they decide to wear, that is someone who’s chair I will not hop in. lol

      If its for a shoot, where I have a bit of time to get the details on the entire staff that is working the shoot, I usually do, do my research. (do do, HA! :-P) Unfortunately, In this case, I was called to do this shoot more or less 2 hours before it began…

      And I’ll definitely look you up, I just liked you on FB! 

      Thanks so much for your comment! I really appreciate it. Do you have a twitter?

      1. PrettyMOBA Avatar

        Thanks for the Like Alean 🙂 I hear you and now understand your point… You are 100% right regarding presentation. Professionalism garners confidence. I realize a model/actor isn’t always able to identify who they’ll be working with in advance, and if given a choice any rational person will use what ever tool is available to make the best choice. Right, wrong or indifferent… appearance does speak volumes. @prettymoba has followed you on twitter!

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