Elite debuts their WAVY FLEXIN COOL mixtape…and I was there 🙂 | What I’m Listening To

Alean-Elston-Elite-Meet-Greet-Step-RepeatWant me to come to your event and blog about it? Let me know! – alean@aleanelston.com

First off, Its been a few since I’ve been able to blog on the site and I guess that’s a good thing. More gigs, more movement, more great content for the site, right?! Right 😉

Oh yeah, before I forget, shout out to the members of Elite, Love Logan Productions, Digiwaxx, and Young Jack Thriller for taking care of me at this event. I so appreciated it!

But last week I was going through my email and I came across an email blast for Elite, a new up and coming hip hop group, I didn’t know anything about these guys but I loved the cover of their mixtape “Wavy Flexin Cool”. Who’s album cover does it remind you of? (pictured above) Don’t worry I’ll wait… If you don’t know, you’re probably not old enough to know.


I checked out their 2 videos on YouTube and I liked it and its some quality stuff, looks like it can go the distance. Especially since they are being lead by Kay Gee of Naughty By Nature, success breeds success, know what I mean?! As I was writing this post, I lucked out and found a new video. Go on over to their YouTube channel and check it out, AFTER you finish reading this post of course 😀 At the time that I got their email, I wasn’t going to go because I wasn’t already going to be in NYC. My thing is, I rarely travel and/or go to events unless there is money to be made, connections I really want or need, or to support friends and family. So when I got booked to do a filming for that day in the city and it was in the same area as the meet and greet/release,  I decided  that there was no reason why I shouldn’t be at this event, and I quickly made my way to RSVP for the event.

Turns out I made a great decision. When I arrived at LQ, it was packed in there. It was a real cool vibe just a lot of people who turned out for this event. To me that speaks VOLUMES! I can’t tell you how many mixtape releases, launches, etc parties that I have gone to and no one shows up but their momma and 3 cousins. The fact that is was packed says to me that this group has a strong following and is definitely a group to keep an eye on.

After I hung around for a lil bit I got to meet the group. When I tell you they are so nice… They are so nice! lol They were very energetic and excited about the success of their event.  Of which they should be. I didn’t get to hear too much from the mixtape at the party (maybe thats cause I arrived late lol) but from what I’ve heard, its definitely cool. I recently downloaded the mixtape, WAVY FLEXIN COOL, and it wasn’t what I expected in a good way. These guys have something here…something that no one mainstream right now has. I can’t put my finger on it but when I can define it I’ll let you know. I feel like as I watch development of this group in the near future, it’ll become more apparent to me.

Download their mixtape and let me know what you think – Download it here


and oh yea, look who else I met. Young Jack Thriller from thisis50.com! Great host and had a great conversation with him as well.


I guess needless to say, I had a great time at this event, and if you havent checked out these guys you need to. Follow them on twitter  @WeRELITE3@ChazEliteMack@KO_ofELITE,@BOXIEisELITE and tell them you saw this write up on AleanElston.com


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