Tag: working for yourself

  • The cost of doing business rises, should customers pay for it?

    The cost of doing business rises, should customers pay for it?

    Today so far has been a very interesting day. Its the last week of the month, of which I am usually preparing to pay bills and organize my budgets for the following month, and after looking at a few receipts and invoices I noticed, things just keep going up and up and up! I personally…

  • Do You Need Professional Pictures to Start a Modeling Career? #modeltip #modeladvice

    Do You Need Professional Pictures to Start a Modeling Career? #modeltip #modeladvice

    One of my blog readers had a really good question about starting off as a model. On my blog post – 3 Resaons You Didn’t Book That Modeling Gig (https://aleanelston.com/ae/2012/03/02/3-reasons-why-you-didnt-book-that-modeling-gig-modeltip-modeladvice/) Amanda asks what are you supposed to do if you don’t have any professional pictures to submit in order to start getting work? Check out…

  • So I decided to start #Vlogging…

    So I decided to start #Vlogging…

    So I’ve come to a point in my life where I’m like, #justdoit, lol. There are so many things that I want to accomplish and try and see, that If I wait for things to be perfect, it will never happen. I’ve always wanted to video blog and I’m stepping out and just doing it…

  • I am a MODEL, not TICKETMASTER… #justsayin

    I am a MODEL, not TICKETMASTER… #justsayin

    Before I get into this post, I wanted to mention that I am still looking to feature exceptional models on my site! If you would be interested in being featured, email me [alean@aleanelston.com] 2 – 3 professional pictures, a brief list of the work that you have done, and tell me a little about yourself…

  • Model Professionalism #modeltip #modeladvice

    It has come to my attention that a lot of models don’t understand that professionalism goes a long way in this business. Maybe its because, a lot don’t think of it as a business, but more so as something to do because they find it to be fun for them and love the attention and…

  • Trey Songz talks “Chapter 5” and upcoming role as “Ryan” in Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D

    No your eyes are not playing tricks on you, you are reading this correctly. Trey Songz will be in the 3D remake of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. As if the singer, rapper, crooner, model, spokesman, and ladies man didn’t have enough to add to his list of titles actor is another that the R&B star…

  • How to Develop a Sexy Elevator Pitch!

    So , as usual, I was supposed to be doing work and I got sidetracked by a video on youtube. This one was about developing your elevator pitch. Terri Sjodin, explains how to break down all of the information you want to get across in a short amount of time into a short pitch that should…

  • Ask an Entrepreneur: Lara Georgine on How to Obtain GOOD Clients

    Throughout the start of my blog, one of my main missions is to share information about the business of business so that others may gain knowledge and insight on how I do things. Recently, I thought it would be interesting to gain the insight of other entrepreneurs like myself who would be willing to share their insight on business…

  • Fashion and Photography Experts Give MODELEVILLE the Thumbs Up

      MODELEVILLE is a social media platform that caters creative professionals in the modeling, fashion, styling and photographic industry. It is an arena that showcases the imaginative works as well as a ground of meeting people with the same passion. Since MODELEVILLE launched in October 2010, it has more than 30,000 sign ups (though not all…

  • Things you MUST have to be a GOOD model (Part 1)

      I usually get a lot of questions about modeling and what it takes to get ahead in the industry. Every time I am asked I always make it a point that being a good model, means being a “model person.” What I mean by that is, be the model that you want to be.…